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Success Stories

"My husband and I have both done the 3 session hand analysis packages that Angie offers. We both LOVED the sessions and the amazing info that Angie gave. The information is framed in a way that I was able to understand my gifts and challenges in a different light, which allowed me to understand more deeply and clearly how I need to navigate my life a bit differently. Angie also pulls in other modalities during the session and has the ability to discover, work with and heal deeply held unconscious, limiting experiences/beliefs. Both my husband and I (during individual sessions) were moved to tears after an incredible experience with Angie where some deep healing occurred. In my experience, the healing was easy, gentle and complete as Angie guided me on a journey, connected my present self to a past experience that was creating physical issues in my now, and then walked me through clearing it. I had been experiencing shortness of breath for years, combined with shoulder issues, which I always just attributed to anxiety and stress. During this session, I discovered a past life experience having to do with my shoulders and arms and when Angie and I cleared it, I felt a relief in this area that I had never felt before. Also, my shortness of breath was gone, and has not returned! I highly recommend her services. She is intuitive, supportive and fun!"

-Jasmine Bernheim

"Did  you know that our fingerprints contain our Soul's Life

Purpose? I Just got the results of my hand analysis from 

Angie Kraft-Meldahl at Life Purpose Pathfinder LLC. WOW! I've taken so many personality tests like DISC or Strength Finder, but this one hit the nail on the head completely. All of the answers are written in my fingerprints and on my hand based upon the neural pathways developed by MY brain. I turned 45 last year. Since then, I've been planning the next half of my life. I've been a little lost despite multiple friends pushing me to "level up.” I wasn't sure what that looked like though. My vision for the next half of my life couldn't be any clearer! If you're stuck or need a little guidance, contact Angie now!"

You won't regret it!

- Malisa Miller Eakins,

Real Estate Agent

"Angie's been working with me to help me realize my life purpose and how to work through to start living it.

At first I thought of her as a scientific hand analyst, then it slowly became apparent to me that she was indeed a life purpose pathfinder using hand analysis as her modality. She helped me connected the dots on how some of what I'm already doing is part of my path and helped me see how to stay on track by connecting with my authentic self.

I have a whole new way of thinking now as I'm tackling tasks and going through my day. I'm much more confident and know  I'm heading in the right direction.  Thank you, Angie! <3 <3 <3"

-Katie Warnke, Photographer and Branding Expert

"Simply through hand analysis alone, Angie was able to confirm that I am on the right life path & aligned to my life purpose.
Not only that, but she was able to access insight about my path that really enhanced my confidence about what I offer & the means by which I render that service!
As a result of her skill set, I’ve already completed the online training version of The Burnout Rescue, a program I’ve been guided to create over the past year AND I am now planning to write a book as well."
Thank you, Angie for the amazing gifts that you bring to this world. ♥️"

Jess Bonaso, Burn-out Rescue Coach  

"Angie has done it again! Whenever I need guidance, or a little extra push to truly SEE something, or support to face something BIG and heal it, she is able to connect me to my Akashic records with ease. I know myself, know what I'm able to do, and have largely come to the place where I am my own guru, but when I need help...Angie is my go-to! I had a past life knocking on my door, keeping me awake at night, and I couldn't decipher it, it overwhelmed me. Yesterday, Angie helped me sort it out, and did it quickly and effortlessly. Last night I slept like a rock! Thank you, Angie!"

Wendy Lou, Intuitive Oil Blends, Reiki Master

"I want to thank Angie for the awesome session that we had a little while back! She dove into my akashic records and we had a very revealing and EXTREMELY useful session that shed a lot of light on some of my ongoing struggles and what I should be doing about them. Also a lot of things came out for me business-wise that I was able to turn around and implement IMMEDIATELY.

I loved my session and I definitely recommend anyone interested reach out to her about it. She's almost scary good at what she does, but she's also super open and helpful along the way, before and after in my experience!"

Ty Dailey, Hand Analyst

"Wow! After only 2 sessions with Angie Kraft-Meldahl my life is changing quickly! She has helped me release the guilt and shame that I've been harboring for the last 2 years!

After the first session my home life shifted pretty dramatically and after the second

(literally like same day) my business blew up with 3 new business partners and the possibility of it going to Israel and Greece!

Even as I'm writing this I'm in some disbelief but am not going to stop it!

I am so excited to see what else is going to come about from working with Angie Kraft-Meldahl! I do know it will be all good:)"

Jamie McClung, Health Coach

"I had the great pleasure of receiving a Hand Analysis session from Angie Kraft-Meldahl, Life Purpose Pathfinder. WOW! What an amazing experience. I was stunned how accurate it was, I had many Ah Ha's, connected dots and gained great clarity on why I behave the way that I do and why I respond to certain situations the way that I do. I now have a greater understanding that these traits are not my weaknesses, as I have had a tendency to feel, no, they are in fact my teachers. I could even call them my super powers. Although I had the theory that they were part of my growth, something to celebrate, I now KNOW not to resist them, to welcome them, knowing that they are a clear indication that I am on my path, growing and doing what I am supposed to do.
Coupled with her wonderful bright and sunny nature, her obvious ability to read the book of my hands, she is also very intuitive and uses her ability to access the Akashic Records. I also know her to be a very talented Channel, she has a beautiful connection and receives insights and wisdom that flows effortlessly, such a wonderful and powerful combination.
I am very grateful to Angie Kraft-Meldahl, I look forward to diving deeper next time, what treasures will she uncover for me?...

I can highly recommend a session with Angie Kraft-Meldahl, find out what makes you tic, make sense of your idiosyncrasies, discover the gift in them, you won't be disappointed."

-Souli Yates, Intuitive Life Coach & Advanced Channel

Angie is incredible! I have been learning how to access the Akashic Records with her and she has been a powerful teacher and guide. Within 3 sessions I have gained so much knowledge and comfort working with the records. She offers so much value with everything she does. I have been thrilled working with Angie and look forward to seeing what unfolds as I continue to work with her

What I received from the Freedom Journey Akashic Records training was a deeper sense of my soul’s mission. Angie’s teachings and guidance of the Akashic records built a lot of understanding how to use the records and built a lot of my own confidence in using the records as personal guidance. 

-Maureen Morgan, Nutritionist

The day I had my session with Angela, I was at a very low point. I was in a very challenging, dark time where things just didn’t make sense to me any more. What had worked for me before no longer worked. I felt like I had lost connection with my guidance system. In one short hour of working with Angela, I came away understanding what was going on, feeling more connected than I had ever before, and in a new phase of my life. This may sound like an exaggeration, but this is a very sincere explanation so others may experience what I did. I will always be grateful to Angela for her help, compassion, and gift!

-Tess Adams, Intuitive Coach & Intuitive Coaching Instructor

Angie Kraft-Meldahl recently performed her Hand analysis on my prints. It was so easy to do and Angie took me through the results in great detail.
My analysis was very accurate and really spoke to the heart of why I feel I am here in this world. If you are looking for clarity on your purpose and your next steps, this process is very beneficial. Angie also uses her intuition and universal connection to elaborate and offer further insights and guidance.
For me, my results have given me a new found confidence in what I am doing with my life. It also allows me to understand the aspects of myself that get in the way of me following my purpose.
There were even a couple of surprises in my prints that made me feel so blessed and grateful. I am excited about the future and so thankful to Angie for taking the time to analyse, study and explain my prints to me. I love that Angie is qualified in this very unique and interesting modality. Much love

-Kara Barrie, Energy Healer & Channeller, 

Angie Kay Soul-Led Living 

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