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March 2025 Energy Update - Abundance is Blossoming✨

Writer: Angie KayAngie Kay

Welcome to the March 2025 Update!


Time is flying and it's my birthday month! 🎉


As I tune into March, I’m feeling anticipation and EXCITEMENT! The interesting synchronicity is that I was talking to someone in a chat group this weekend who mentioned that they were feeling a lot of impatience, and that resonated too. Have you noticed impatience and anticipation in your own energy? It’s definitely in the collective right now!

I was walking with a friend on Sunday who is a federal employee in the US, and there is a lot of uncertainty and confusion right now for her and others in government service. She’s feeling impatience around the lack of information, causing stress about her job security. She’s concerned on a daily basis whether or not she, and others, will have a job in the near future.

Her impatience is around the NOT knowing. It's incredibly frustrating.

Thankfully, she is an enlightened being, and she knows if it ends, something better is coming. However, not knowing what is happening is preventing her from being able to make decisions, and she feels turmoil around not being able to move forward, stuck in a day-to-day, week-to-week pattern of waiting.

These are incredibly strange times!

I do encourage you to take your power back and hold the vision that everything is working out for our highest good, we are on the highest timeline and beautiful and amazing things are going to fall into place now! Envision the way you want things to be, and hold it every day. Remember, we are the creators!

So, here we are, at the end of February, experiencing all of this unsettling impatience around the future, but what does this mean for the March energy?

There’s uncertainty, and anticipation, but also, as I said above, an edge of excitement coming in. As I’m writing/recording this, it’s 2/23, so the 2/22 portal was just yesterday, and it brought very potent energy with it. 

You may have felt like you were in a SNOWGLOBE, being turned upside down and shaken vigorously! I know I did! When you come out the other side of a huge expansion, it can often feel like everything in your energy was shaken up and nothing has settled into its new place yet. It’s a frequency adjustment period and can be very unsettling. 

Unfortunately, you won’t know what things are going to shift in your reality until the dust settles, so that explains the impatience! We humans always want things to fall into place yesterday! The 2/22 portal was a quantum leap experience, so there are A LOT of pieces that are still floating around. It’s a very powerful ending for February!

Something I’ve noticed in my life lately is that loose ends ARE beginning to come together! Anywhere I seemed to be waiting for someone or something or a situation or a space to come together, even an idea, are now, all of a sudden, falling into place like dominos! I have been celebrating that, and I hope you have, too! If nothing is happening yet, don’t stress, it will!

I remember the February Energy Update talked about missing puzzle pieces appearing, so this is perfect confirmation that those pieces are coming together in March. And I’ve not only seen this in my own life, but in my clients, old and new. 

Quick shifts are in the energy right now, and we’re moving into alignment fast!

When I pulled out my favorite tried-and-true deck, the Starseed Oracle, I got “Loosen Your Grip: Coping mechanisms, Density, Addiction, Let God in.”

Sometimes we’re holding on so tightly to an outcome, that we’re crushing it in the process. If this resonates, don’t beat yourself up! We have all experienced this. I’m guilty of this in multiple areas of my life. 

Think about where you might be holding onto a specific outcome so tightly, that you’ve blocked off all other outcomes from coming in. Know that there could be something even better that you haven’t thought of and might even be easier to come to you. 

This could be around money, finance, relationships, solutions, challenges, or whatever is going on in your life right now. Sometimes we have our blinders on, and we’re so focused on what we think the outcome needs to be that we don’t even realize that there’s this unlimited potential around us of solutions and outcomes that could come in to help and support from the Universe. 


So, loosen your grip! Let God in. The old adage, “Let go and let God,” is ringing true for March! Set your intention as we come into this month that anywhere you’ve been strangling your highest outcome, to release it now.

Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle is my second favorite deck, so that’s where I went next, and I pulled, “Greenman’s Door: Portals to Faery, Wheel of the Year, Galactic and Gaian entry points.”

I love this card! I have NEVER pulled it before! What an important message!

This makes perfect sense. The Greenman’s Door IS this 2/22 portal, where pieces are finally coming together. We’re feeling this shake-up at the end of February and moving into March, and it’s forced you to loosen your grip on one, or multiple things. With this new level of frequency, comes a FORCED SURRENDER. You may have chosen to let go, but either way, it became too painful to hold on. This energy allows the puzzle pieces to fall into place by forcing you to get out of your own way. 

The “Wheel of the Year” is synchronistic because I pulled the Wheel of Fortune card in The Goddess Society meeting just the other night, and it had a lot to do with abundance, money and finance, but primarily things that you’ve been praying and asking for. You’ve been working really hard on all the pieces and parts of something, and then all of a sudden, the wheel turns, and clicks into place and the path appears.


There’s a way! There IS financial abundance available, and it clicks in so fast in this energy! Imagine Vanna spinning the wheel and it suddenly lands and stops spinning, giving you the answers. This is what I’m seeing for March, things just clicking into place, especially around the questions you’ve been asking around your path forward, and financial abundance. 


I did get a message loud and clear that this energy around money and abundance has been very focused on the Lightworker collectively lately and honestly for about the past 2 years. I was getting that there is a certain group of lightworkers that have been alchemizing lack consciousness for the collective. The challenges that Lightworkers have experienced the past two years around lack are now releasing and alchemizing, finally. It's time to release the resentments that you have. 


Perhaps you feel like you were called to a certain path of purpose, called to do what you are here to do, and you might feel frustrated because you don’t feel like money has always shown up for you to support you on this path. Sometimes that’s a matter of having a shift in perspective and expanding your consciousness by looking at the ways it DID show up for you. Were there other ways money showed itself in your life when you needed it to, even if it wasn’t the way you thought?


Going with the abundance theme...the next card that came out was, “Release Resentments About Money: Yes, the money system of the world can seem upsetting, but holding resentments about finances just pushes your abundance away. Instead, see money as a tool you can use to better the world, and this shift will help you attract support and golden opportunities.”


This card brings me back to remembering where recently I was talking to someone who’s going through this feeling of LOSS, a phase of her business where she’s not sure which direction to go. She was grieving the loss of the old, and feeling lost in how different things are than they were three years ago for her. I brought up the topic of money, and I explained that there are so many interesting things about money that we can feel resentful about as humans. 


One thing I mentioned was car insurance. Why do we have to pay for car insurance? As a mother of two teenagers, my car insurance bill has never been higher, and I’m sure many of you can relate to this! As I was jokingly (not) griping about this and all the other weird things we have to give money to in our reality, I remembered something I’ve actually taught for years, a mindset shift that can be a game changer, and that is this:  


What an amazing teacher money is! 


Think about it. Because we HAVE TO have it to go through these experiences, we have to go through these phases of innovation, growth and expansion, to get to the next level of creating new paths to receive money. And we have to exercise trust as well. Whether it’s a service you provide or a product, how are you going to develop your skills and talents so that you can RECEIVE? 


Inherently, money is here for all of us, and we don’t have to do anything or prove ourselves in any way to have it. It exists for everyone. However, there is the concept of energy exchange, so as we’re called and driven to provide a service or a product, to do something that fulfills us, brings us joy and gives to others, receiving money is one way we are compensated for these things.


Our work is a huge channel for receiving money, and that’s why money is a beautiful teacher, because in order to receive the exchange, the compensation that makes it all worth it, we have to continue to uplevel our abilities and skills. We have to allow new ways in. We have to innovate. I love the synchronicity of all of this, the chat I was in just this morning, then walking and talking with my friend, it was all pointing me to the energy coming in!


Releasing resentments around money and seeing it for the GIFT that it is will really help us with this expansion around abundance. It’s RIGHT THERE for Lightworkers! Can you feel it? It’s coming!


Celebrate money for the great teacher that it is, for what it provides for us versus focusing on the stress around the things that we, as humans get upset about. 


And I love that it says, “Wheel of the YEAR,” because I feel like this is our chance to spin that wheel and set the momentum for all of 2025. 


“Galactic and Gaian entry points” this card talks about the portals that take us into Inner Earth. There are legends that a lot of our galactic family live beneath the surface of the Earth, in the Agartha network of cities inside the planet. This concept has always fascinated me! And so many talk about Atlantis rising, so think about this…if Atlantis actually went UNDER the surface, and now it's time for it to rise again…? Are you following me? Can you feel how exciting that is? An actual city isn't rising, but the CONSCIOUSNESS of Atlantis, the higher level of awareness that existed in that city is rising once again!  


This is the Rise of the Goddess! Something big and transformative and very, very FEMININE is rising, returning, but in a whole new frequency. This is, in a nutshell, what is happening on our beautiful Gaia right now. A lot of these divine feminine concepts have been forced “underground,” but have been kept safe inside Gaia, held for a long time. 


Why did this happen? Perhaps because of the planetary alignments, and being in a dark time for humanity, astrologically speaking, but ultimately, what really matters is that it is now coming into the light. We are coming into a place of higher frequency in the cosmos and these concepts are coming up again, are RISING UP through each individual person. 


We are not building New Earth as many would say, it already exists, it is born from inside of us.


Once you are ready to SEE the entire truth of your reality, then you are reborn into New Earth, into Unity Consciousness. But the key is you have to be willing to accept and see first. It’s a big step to take, but a lot of people are taking that leap right now. We are all here, as ONE, taking this leap together.


I thought it appropriate to pull the next card from the Gaia Oracle deck…and I received “Lost Love; Surrender, Healing, Release.”


This does not have to pertain to a romantic love, but the love of a career, such as my friend who is living each day not knowing what the future holds for her job. Lost Love could be a love of anything in your life, a person, a place, a love of a career that served you well, a love for a particular channel of your business, or your business as a whole. 


It could be a romantic love, or an idea that you’re being asked to release, surrender, or maybe wait for better timing. It could signify something new coming in, which makes you look at what you have, and what you’ve been doing in a new light. Those old ways and things just don’t make sense anymore, do they? 


Maybe you’ve been developing something and you’ve been connected to it a very long time, and now it’s leaving you. There is a loss, a grieving, that you surrender to, a healing that’s taking place. 


Going back to New Earth, there are parts and pieces of the consciousness of the old Earth that each of us has to release before we can be born into the New Earth. There is a grief process that has to happen here. It is unavoidable.


This is a big piece in 2025 that is moving into this New Earth consciousness, but it happens internally, and then you’re actually born into it from this internal space, in the body you have now. This card speaks of a piece of that consciousness that is releasing. Of course, there were things about the place we’re leaving, the place we’ve been in for so long, that we all loved, but they won’t serve us in the new consciousness we’re moving into now. And this doesn’t make those old things bad or wrong, they just can’t serve us at the level we’re going to.


We have to allow ourselves to grieve these things. I resonate very deeply with this. I’ve been asked to shift a lot of things in my spiritual business to move forward in this new energy. I’ve released things that I absolutely loved, that meant so much to me, and were special to me on my awakening path, but then they just didn’t work anymore. Even though I was sad, I allowed myself to grieve, to release, to heal, and then I could move forward.


The next card that came out was, “Peace: Dissolving unwanted or disturbing thoughts.”


There is PEACE on the other side of this letting go as we come into March. It’s a rebirth as we surrender, heal and release into a new phase of what we’ve been waiting for, some of us, for a very long time. Lifetimes.


Let’s start to wrap this up, shall we? 


Remember, we are on the other side of a very intense portal! We did it! But, as the dust settles, allow yourself time for the pieces to fall into their perfect places, if they haven’t already. The good stuff is on its way! I see beautiful innovation coming, and Wendy Lou and I actually received that message in our 2025 energy update on our “Hey, Goddess!” podcast. The whole episode was centered around innovation!


Even in the world, we see evidence of this shake-up. So many people are being forced to shift, expand and innovate a new path.


How will you innovate your next phase?


March energy is heavily focused on abundance, money, receiving, and wrapping up this cycle of lack for the collective. This is why it hit certain Lightworkers HARD because this was a lack energy that you were healing, not just for yourself, but for your ancestors and the entire collective, and you had to look at it from every angle within yourself to heal it.


We’re also being asked to be patient as the pieces, the things that we’ve been asking for, settle into their places, and come together as our new path! I know. Patience is HARD, but we are doing this together. Always and forever. Celebrating what you do have, what has settled in, what is bringing you joy today will help. Let go. Release. Heal. And spin the wheel that will set the tone for the entire year!


The Rise of the Goddess is HERE! A new consciousness is coming to the surface, and it is bringing new ways of doing things and a new, higher path for you! 


Have you noticed that not everything works the same way it used to? It might feel like someone pulled the carpet out from under you sometimes. The truth is, it's not supposed to work the same because it's a brand-new level and vibration that you are experiencing!


As you shift into this new frequency, this is the PERFECT moment to take your manifestation practice to the next level as well.


It's time to step fully into your power as the badass creator you are and embrace a new way of magnetizing your deepest desires.


If you’ve been feeling the call to expand even deeper into your purpose work and up-level how you manifest—to move beyond certain methods that sometimes lack depth and into something more soul-led, and aligned with your Divine Mission—then you’re going to love what’s unfolding this month inside The Goddess Society.


Introducing Manifest Like a Goddess – Beginning March 2025 in The Goddess Society!


This month, we are diving into the energy of Manifest Like a Goddess, where we step into a whole new level of manifestation—one that is deeply rooted in your divine mission, purpose, soul alignment, and divine feminine energy.


I will be teaching my very BEST tried and true methods, cultivated from over 20 years of studying the Law of Attraction and manifestation. These principles have transformed my life and the lives of many others, and now, I am sharing them with you so you can manifest with purpose and clarity.


This spring, through powerful activations, processes and quantum energy work, you will:


✨ Get crystal clear about what you truly desire

✨ Break free from resistance, limitation, self-doubt, and lack patterns that keep you disconnected from your most abundant reality

✨ Step into full trust and learn to create your desires in a deeply feminine way—in flow, without forcing or pushing

✨ Open the channels for living your highest purpose while receiving money, love, success, and WHATEVER you desire most—because ALL of it is available to you!

What one member shared recently ...

"During Angie Goddess Society membership last week I set my intention for a certain amount of money for some things I wanted to get done. First, a lower offer amount came in. I thought hmm could I accept that? So I took a shower and by the time I was done 2 offers came in for $60k higher, which made the total exactly what I wanted!  That gave me enough money to take care of everything!"

This is a POWERFUL time to shift into a higher level of receiving. If you’ve been feeling the pull to experience manifestation differently—to Manifest Like a Goddess—this is your time!


Ready to join us? Email me at and let's set up a chat!


March is going to be magical, and I can’t wait to see what unfolds for you! Wishing you an amazing month!


All the best,


Angie Kay


Bestselling Author of Creation Codes Rise of the Goddess   | Law of Attraction Coach | Divine Feminine Embodiment Activator | Holographic Sound Master | Intuitive Gifts Trainer



Angie Kay Soul-Led Living 

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