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You're in the right place.


You've experienced it—those moments of profound spiritual insight, expanded intuition, lightening speed manifestation, perfect balance and flow during a women's retreat, workshop or program.


You felt blissful, aligned, powerful, and experienced your infinite potential.


But then, when those gatherings come to a close, everyday life pushes you back into old patterns.  


The serene flow of your feminine essence and crystal clear inner guidance gets overshadowed by the demanding pace of a predominantly masculine society.


Like a sailboat caught in a storm, you're pushed around, your inner connection and balance disrupted.

I've been there too Goddess and that is how I know the struggle intimately.

Image by Julia Caesar

"Angie is a masterful divinely led leader. I have learned a lot and transformed quickly, shedding layers, patterns of behavior and beliefs that no longer serve me." 

"i would not have
experienced these
amazing shifts in
my life without
angie and her 

While the immediate shock of dropping back into the demands of the masculine world is easy to notice, there's an underlying challenge that many are yet to recognize: the power of community.


True empowerment, growth, and success flourish in the presence of supportive, like-minded souls.


For women, especially, community isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a vital, life-giving force that amplifies our power, intuition, and manifestation abilities.

This is where The Goddess Society steps in.


Far more than just a group, it's a sanctuary, a gathering of Sister- Goddesses committed to living our highest purpose, our truth, expanding our intuitive gifts, embracing our Divine Feminine qualities, living in balance and supporting each other in a world that often demands the opposite.

If you're ready to:


💎Be part of a supportive sisterhood that celebrates each other's successes

💎Have a safe space to connect to the Divine Feminine, your Goddess essence and archetypes

💎Manifest your dreams, as if by magic, with unprecedented speed and ease

💎Unleash your creativity, highest purpose, spiritual gifts and intuitive abilities

💎Learn processes to find your alignment, your true essence, and stay in balance and harmony no matter the external pressures of the world


Then, Goddess Society is waiting for you.

Become part of something transformative. Together, we're not just surviving the push and pull of the external world; we're thriving, creating our desires and sending out ripples of change that extend far beyond ourselves.

It's time to embrace your next level, and live as the Goddess that you are.

Join The Goddess Society today!

Let me tell you about myself...

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I am on a mission to help as many women as possible to awaken and embody the goddess essence within. I believe that you deserve a juicy soul-led life. I specialize in empowering awakening women, spiritual female entrepreneurs and lightworkers to liberate their inner goddess and unleash their creative potential, paving the way for vibrant success.


I created Goddess Society to help women like you who dare to live authentically, embrace your divine purpose, expand your intuitive gifts, liberate your Divine Feminine power, and support each other in our spiritual and worldly successes. 

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When you join
"the goddess society"
you will ...

  • Enjoy a safe and nurturing space where you can explore your authenticity and connect to your wild feminine nature.

  • A group of awakened Goddesses allows you to magnify your feminine power, enhancing intuition and manifesting abilities beyond measure.

  • Balance and harmonize the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies within you. 

  • A supportive community of women allows you to navigate life’s complexities with grace and wisdom, embodying your true potential.

  • Release past versions of yourself that are holding you back from fully embracing the new you

  • Step into a higher level of love and self-love

  • Magnetize the people, places, events and resources that will assist you with the fulfillment of your soul calling

  • Activate and embody your Divine Feminine healing abilities, intuition and soul gifts so you can help people in a bigger way

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topics & processes include ...

  • Activate & embody more of your inner goddess essence

  • Getting clear on your true soul desires and set powerful intentions

  • Goddess archetype embodiment 

  • Guided journeys so you can connect with your intuition and Divine guidance

  • Manifestation techniques to bring your dreams into reality with ease

  • Unleashing your creative potential

  • Inner Divine Union

  • Harmonize Divine Masculine and Feminine energies

  • Activate and upgrade your Divine Feminine soul gifts

  • Expanding your self-worth & self-love to new levels

  • Step into your Divine Feminine higher calling and purpose with confidence

Activate your Divine Feminine Soul gifts Transmute fear, shame and guilt of the Divine Fem
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"Since working with Angie, I've been planning the next half of my life. I've been a little lost despite multiple friends pushing me to "level up.” I wasn't sure what that looked like though. My vision for the next half of my life couldn't be any clearer!


This community is for you if...

  • You've felt the Divine Feminine call, you know the power of women in community, the clarity of expanded intuition, expansion of creativity and heightened manifestation abilities.

  • You would love to manifest your dreams with greater ease.

  • You crave ongoing expansion, community, a continuous, deeply-rooted spiritual journey that celebrates and strengthens your Divine Feminine qualities.

  • You are ready to embrace your true desires, highest self and step into your full potential.

  • You desire to follow your soul calling, using your intuitive gifts to manifest a life aligned with your deepest desires.

  • You have a desire to upgrade your spiritual gifts so you can use them to assist others.

  • You desire more flow, abundance, ease, pleasure, freedom and creativity in your life and work.

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Introducing ...
the goddess society

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Activations Include

  • Two live zoom activation meetings per month, 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month 5pm MST

  • Monthly themes include: self-love, goddess archetype embodiment, divine union, divine feminine/masculine integration, sensual goddess, abundance manifestation, your intuitive gifts, connecting to your highest timeline. 

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Member Benfits Include

  • Battery-Packing Energy: We amplify each other's energies, creating a powerful Universal force that fuels our lives and helps us manifest our dreams into reality

  • Energy sent daily to balance your aura

  • Expansion of your Spiritual Gifts, by embodying more of your Divine Feminine Essence. 

  • Empowerment to move into your highest self and greatest self-expression

  • A safe space for allowing all of yourself to be seen, celebrated and accepted

  • Ongoing support, so you don't have to do it alone

  • Channeled Divine Feminine activations and enlightenment codes 

  • Goddess archetype and Soul embodiment

Activate your Divine Feminine Soul gifts Transmute fear, shame and guilt of the Divine Fem
Schedule your free Discovery Call (12 x 4 in) (3).png


  • Access comes FREE with your membership!

  • 8 Divine Feminine embodiment guided meditation videos

  • 5 blissful channeled sound activations

  • Discover blocks to Divine Feminine embodiment

  • Uncover resistance to expansion into your highest purpose

  • Financial abundance alignment process

  • Fifth density timeline experience

  • Sisterhood wound healing

  • Divine Mother liquid crystal

  • Harmonize your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

  • Activate your highest purpose and Divine Union

  • Activate your Divine Feminine Soul gifts

  • Transmute fear, shame and guilt of the Divine Feminine

  • Rewire your system for pleasure

The Goddess Society
three membership levels

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monthly pay 
click here to get access now.
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3 months


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 subscription billed every 3 months
⭐saves $111 per quarter!
click here to get access now.
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9 months

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9 month pay in full option
✨saves $887!!✨
click here to get access now.
Society Payment
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"during angie's goddess program, i uncovered and released the limiting beliefs that were holding me back. As a result, I landed a contract with my dream client in perfect divine timing."

"During the goddess codes my inner Goddess began to come through in my life. She wanted to be seen, to be heard, to heal ancestral lineage, to release that which no longer served me,

to be birthed

Angie created that space that allowed my inner Goddess to Rise.  It has been one of the most profound experiences of my journey. I highly recommend anything that Angie has to offer. She is an amazing coach, a beautiful soul, and THIS COURSE will help you achieve your goals."


About Angie Kay

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Angie is an intuitive Divine Feminine embodiment activator and coach who believes that you deserve a juicy soul-led business and life. Angie specializes in empowering spiritual female entrepreneurs and lightworkers. She assists you to liberate your inner goddess and unleash your creative potential, paving the way for vibrant success. 


She helps you leave behind outdated ideas of success and the exhausting, masculine grind of constant pushing and competition. Angie helps you activate and embody your divine feminine essence, transforming your journey into one of joy, pleasure, sensuality, purpose, financial abundance and bliss.


She believes a woman doesn’t need to operate from overly masculine energy in order to be successful. Instead, Angie teaches you how to heal and harmonize your inner masculine and feminine energies. This balance allows your authentic self to radiate. 


Through her Goddess courses, retreats and one-on-one sessions, she helps women give themselves permission to embody their feminine qualities of—intuition, creativity, sensuality, empowerment, compassion, wisdom, softness and strength.

Her approach combines intuitive coaching, energy work, law of attraction, guided meditations, channeled sound activations and the perfect amount of structured strategy. This unique formula assists you to ascend to new heights of success, accomplishing more and doing less.

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Image by Rodrigo Soares

It’s time to answer your soul calling and step into the next version of you
- the Goddess -
with the goddess society

Join The Goddess Society Today!

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Angie Kay Soul-Led Living 

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Angie Kay's Privacy Policy: We respect your privacy. When you sign up for the free gift, courses, blog or email list, your email address will never be shared with anyone. The information collected for the free gift contains your email address and name, which is housed in the Wix Website system. You can opt-out from any of the emails at the bottom of the email at any time.


Site member Terms and Conditions.

Created by Angie Kay Soul Led Living, LLC
Copyright 2024 Angie Kay Kraft-Meldahl
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